Energy Saving Tips for Your Building

Facility managers often have to grapple with high energy bills for a variety of reasons but all of them largely related to inefficient use of energy and old technology. Energy saving measures several benefits; the energy bills come down, comfortability in the building improves and modernizing the energy systems reduces the building’s carbon footprint. What are some of energy saving measures changes that can raise energy efficiency?

Programmable LED lights

There is a lot of energy wastage that happens in lighting. Lights will be left on when there is no one using the spaces they light up, bright lighting in daylight becomes superfluous and the energy is also lost by using outdated bulbs.

Light Emitting Diode (LED) lighting is the best there is today. LEDs do not light up because of heating like in filament and gas bulbs. The diode emits the light as current crosses it. There is no loss of energy as heat. LED lighting lasts longer than other bulbs, are easy to install and come in a variety of colors.

The best thing about LED lighting is that it can be programmed for efficient lighting. Bulbs are set to dim as daylight becomes brighter and brighter as dusk sets in. They also come with sensors such that they light up when there is movement in a room, and go off after sometime when the room is empty.

LED lighting can drastically change the energy use in a building. An LED bulb will typically use 10% of the energy an incandescent bulb of the same wattage could use.

More efficient elevators

Old elevators are energy inefficient. In very old buildings, the elevators are likely to be throwbacks to the DC current era. This type of current was preferred because it enabled easier controlling of elevators. But elevator technology has evolved to use AC power and high capacity magnets. These elevators are gearless, which makes them more efficient is energy use.

Advanced elevator systems of today use the imbalance in energy use by empty and full cars to regenerate energy and channel it back to the system.

Higher efficiency in heating and cooling

It is possible to improve efficiency in heating and cooling by:

  • Installing radiant floor heaters instead of wall heaters. Warm air rises and keeps a room comfortable throughout regardless of the door and windows being open.
  • Installing high windows and skylights. These are able to capture more sunlight and heat.
  • Installing high volume low-speed fans which keep the air in constant circulation. These help mix hot air near the ceiling and cold air near the floor keeping the space warm.

While some of these changes can cost quite a bit, the long-term returns on investing in energy saving will surely be worth the investment.

LED Lighting Retrofit Projects – Financing Options Available to Strata Owners and Building Managers

The total cost to upgrade a residential high rise building to energy efficient lighting is typically below $50,000. Annual savings in energy and maintenance costs is averaging around $20,000. This translates into a payback period of only 2.5 years and represents a unique opportunity for strata councils to drastically reduce their buildings’ escalating BC Hydro bills for years to come.

To fund retrofit projects, strata corporations have the following main options available to them:

1. Contingency fund (50%)

2. Special Assessment (30%)

3. Bank loan (0%)

4. Lease to own / Pay as you save (20%)

1. Contingency funds are increasingly being used to pay for LED lighting upgrade projects which was not the case a few years ago. Increasingly, strata councils are better informed today and appreciate the benefits of investing in capital projects with significant long term cost saving potential. The most significant factor in favour of this option is the avoidance of costly financing charges.

2. Special assessment is a popular option when the strata does not have access to contingency funds. The average cost to individual strata unit owners in a typical high rise would be a one time assessment of $285 ($50,000/175 units) or the equivalent of one month’s strata fees. (Dinner for two in Vancouver costs more !)

3. Bank loan are avoided like the plague and rarely give serious consideration. Definitely the most expensive and onerous financing option. Enough said.

4. Lease to own (Pay As You Save) is gaining in popularity which is a noticeable recent trend. Increasingly, vendors are offering this financing option in their proposal packages on the proposition that monthly leasing payments will be paid from energy cost savings . Third party leasing is also available from a wide variety of leasing companies and should be considered as well. However, I would recommend obtaining help from a trusted advisor to review and recommend the best leasing option for you strata, and avoid costly mistakes and unintended consequences.

Anil Mehra, CA,CPA  Managing Director, Titan 


  1. Reduce annual common area energy consumption and related costs by OVER 40%.
  2. Eliminate recurring lighting maintenance and repair costs.
  3. Expect attractive investment payback period of 2.5 years or less.
  4. Improve safety and security for residents.
  5. Enhance property values and investor appeal.
  6. Reduce strata fees or maintain at current levels.
  7. Stabilize annual operating budgets. Redirect savings to other worth while projects.
  8. LED lighting prices continue to fall sharply and are much more affordable today.

 9. LED lighting quality, performance and life span guarantees keep on improving.

10. BC Hydro’s Kilowatt per hour (KWh) rates are scheduled to increase SHARPLY over the next decade. 

11. Pay As You Save lease financing option now available to building owners.

12. A unique opportunity to reduce our buildings’ carbon footprint, be energy smart, go green and make a difference. 

“Significantly improving lighting efficiency in residential, commercial and rental buildings is likened to low hanging fruit, deliciously tempting and ready for the picking. No ladder required. Just reach out and help yourself. WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU WAITING FOR ?”

Energy audits are offered free and without obligation. Request a complimentary energy audit and a detailed LED retrofit proposal. Educate yourself and make a wise decision. You owe it to yourself and the owners you represent.