Why Your Building Needs A Lighting Retrofit

Your building lighting is critical to your operations. From allowing people to be able to work to keeping the property safe. After a while your lighting isn’t what it used to be or is out of date compared to modern technology. At these points, instead of replacing all of your lighting, you can get a lighting retrofit instead.

Why might your building need a lighting retrofit?

Your Electrical Bill Is Too High

When you are paying to power a whole building’s lighting, you are going to be paying an awful lot of money. Retrofitting your lighting system allows you to replace the mechanical portions with energy efficient upgrades.

A lighting retrofit will especially help your electric bill go down if you own an older building.

Newer lighting technology is energy efficient. That means that it carries with it a rating approved by the government that says it uses less energy than standard equipment. If you perform a retrofit, you might be eligible for rebates on your electric bill.

Enhanced Control

Many buildings out there still have controls that are not compatible with dimming. This is just one example of the level of control you can add to your existing lighting system with a retrofit. Smart home features can also provide you with the ability to time your lighting and control sections remotely. Another feature you can add is motion sensors so that lights are only active when someone is in the area.

Enhanced levels of control will also allow you to reduce your lighting bill. You can turn off lights that you don’t need or schedule lights to turn off when areas aren’t used.

Reduced Maintenance Costs

Maintenance on lighting systems involves a lot of work. Changing light bulbs and replacing ballasts are just a couple of costs you might have. Newer systems are more reliable and require less work. Bulbs also last longer.

Less Heat Pollution

One major issue with older lighting systems is that the produce heat. Heat that has trouble dissipating when inside a building. This can drive up your air conditioning bills and discomfort employees.

Instead, new lighting systems produce less heat than older models. The temperature of your building will start to normalize and the comfortability will go up.

Keep Fixtures

A lot of buildings love their lighting fixtures and want to keep them. It discourages them from upgrading to new lighting systems. When you retrofit your lighting you are often able to keep your fixtures so that the appearance of your building stays the same.

This is especially beneficial for older buildings that have pieces that you can no longer match. An onsite inspection from a electrician or lighting professional can help you to determine if your existing fixtures can be kept.

Coverage Is Spotty

When you have older light bulbs and equipment you might have spotty coverage of areas such as parking lots. This can be dangerous, people are at risk when they can’t see potential threats. A lighting retrofit can ensure that all areas are lighted for safety and security.

A parking lot can be near as bright as daylight after a retrofit.

Environmental Benefits

Your older lighting systems have a lot of problems when it comes to being friendly to the environment. The heat change they provide is bad for the environment. The bulbs themselves when thrown out can also cause issues for the environment.

One example is traditional style bulbs that contain mercury and don’t last for as long. That means you will need to replace them more often and thus there will be more bulbs in the trash.

Overall, your building will be more environmentally conscious when you upgrade your lighting system.

Retrofitting Can Save You Money Over Replacing

Replacing your lighting system outright can be quite expensive. There is a lot of work that goes into that. You have to tear out existing fixtures and equipment, sometimes run new wires, and even patch holes.

At first, a lighting retrofit might look expensive but when you compare the cost of a retrofit versus a complete replacement.

A retrofit of your lighting system can do wonders for your property. It comes with a lot of benefits that you will start noticing quite quickly. From a safer property to less money spent on electric bills. The retrofit will also give your property the lighting that you want.

When To Get a Lighting Retrofit For Your Building

Most people don’t spend too much time thinking about their building lighting unless a light bulb goes out or a ballast dies. Your lighting though plays a major role in multiple aspects of your building from safety to productivity. Ensuring that your lighting works and will continue to work is an important step to take.

As a lighting system ages it becomes time to upgrade. At first, you might be thinking you need to replace your lighting system. That isn’t always needed though. Many lighting systems can be retrofitted instead of replaced.

How do you know if your building is a candidate for retrofitting?

Age Plays A Big Role

The age of your building plays a big role in whether or not it can be retrofitted. Any building that is older than 10 years may be using outdated bulbs. T12 type fluorescent bulbs, for example, are no longer allowed in the United States under most circumstances. You will probably need to replace your system if it utilizes parts that aren’t still available.

If your building was built within 10 years, you are probably a candidate for a lighting retrofit. Many older buildings can still be retrofitted but it is on a case by case basis.

Increase Energy Efficiency and Cut Cost

Even if your lighting system is currently working, you might still want to invest in a lighting retrofit. Many older lighting systems have bad energy efficiency. Retrofitting your system could be a good option if you are looking to save money on your electrical bill. You can also save money on light bulbs as they last for longer with more modern systems.

Some cities will offer financial incentives to buildings looking to upgrade their energy efficiency. Make sure to check with your local power company to see if you can further benefit from a lighting retrofit.

An energy efficient lighting system looks good to customers. It also looks good to potential buyers if you are looking to sell your building any time soon. Some buyers may only want energy efficient buildings.

More Lighting Customization And Control

Modern lighting systems allow you to control your lighting a lot better. From programming timers to remotely controlling the lights, a retrofit can give you access to even more lighting features. Depending on your retrofit choices, dimming can also be added to your system. This gives workers a better choice over the lighting in rooms.

Sometimes blaring lights can be counterproductive to a workspace. Often times finding the right balance in brightness can help your workers to get more done. It also makes presentations easier to give.

Improve Your Lighting Without Replacing It

Does your current lighting system not adequately light your property? Completely replacing your lighting system can be quite costly. It also probably isn’t needed. A complete replacement takes more time, more money, and requires more work than you will need.

During a retrofit of your lighting system you can add new light fixtures, change positions of your current ones, and select better lighting overall. This can be especially helpful if you bought a building that wasn’t properly setup for your business’s lighting needs. Retrofits of systems do not just have to be about broken systems, you can use them to enhance your systems.

Do You Like The Appearance Of Your Lighting System?

Building owners often have various opinions of their lighting systems. Especially if they bought the building instead of built it. If you like the appearance of your lighting system, or more specifically, the cosmetic parts of the system, then you are probably a good candidate for a retrofit.

Do You Have A Custom Lighting System

Custom lighting systems tend to be purpose built for a building. When this is so, you will have issues with standard parts fitting the system. A lighting expert or electrician will help you to get a better idea of whether or not your system can be retrofitted.

When picking to have a retrofit of your building’s lighting system, you have a lot of options. Picking the right lighting company to work with can make a big difference. You want to find a well rated lighting company and one that has experience working with your type of building.

What are the Biggest Energy Wasters in Your Building?

Energy wastage in a building especially a big commercial buildings can go unnoticed because it happens in a variety of places with the residents going on business as usual with little or no energy usage tracking. But big savings on the power bill can be realized by identifying areas where energy loss is happening. Which are these areas that can be targeted for energy optimization?


Not many people will stop to think about an elevator’s energy consumption when riding on one. But elevators take up 3-7% of the energy consumption of average commercial buildings. Elevators vary in energy consumption depending on their height and carrying capacity.

The typical mall elevator rises about 15 feet powered by a 7.5 Hp motor. Assuming a 24/7 all week operating mall, this elevator will take up about 8,000 kilowatts-hours in a month. A 24/7 20 foot high unit will typically have a 20 Hp motor and take up about 32,000 kilowatt-hours in a month.

The largest energy wastage happens in the drive systemswhich runcontinuously. In addition to the energy wasted when the elevator is idle, there is also the heat it produces which further needs running energy consuming HVACs to cool the air.


The type and configuration of lighting in a building is a big factor in energy consumption. The older system of lighting used incandescent or fluorescent bulbs operated by on/off switches.  Incandescent bulbs are the most wasteful as they use filament heat to light up.

People will often forget to switch off the lights when going out of a room. This translates to wastage energy. High voltage bulbs also give off considerable heat which in turn requires turning on the AC to cool.

Incorrect voltage matching is also an avenue for energy wastage. This happens when bulbs that are brighter than needed are installed.

Heat loss

Loss of heat in a building necessitates higher operation level of the heating level, which adds on to the power bill. There are three main ways in which heat is lost in a building;

  • By infiltration- This happens when windows and doors are opened, leading to an air shift where heated air flows out of the building.
  • By ventilation – This is where unheated air comes in through the ventilation system.
  • Plane heat loss – This is when heat is lost by conduction through the building elements; floors, walls, ceiling, and roof.

There are a variety of solutions to make abuilding more energy efficient.These measures include better technology in elevators and lighting, and better insulation techniques.